
占星術師 (Astrologer)

4/6/2023 0:35 EST 天秤座/滿月

4/6/2023 0:35 EST 是天秤座滿月的開始,你可以在12小時內許下願望並祈求未來一個月月亮女神給你注入祝福及能量。







4/6/2023 0:35 EST is the beginning of the full moon in Libra, you can make a wish within 12 hours and ask the moon goddess to infuse you with blessings and energy for the month ahead.


The moon is at 16° Libra and forms an opposition to Jupiter at 20° Aries, so the energy will be expanded and cause a certain amount of pressure, so pay attention to the situation between speech and avoid conflicts, especially between Aries and Libra People, on the other hand, pay attention to traffic delays, especially during the peak period of the Easter holiday, go out early and pay attention to traffic safety.


From the point of view of astrology, the whole Easter holiday is good, and the planets are not too unfavorable. I wish you all a happy Easter holiday.





2023 年 4 月 6 日 0:35 EST はてんびん座の満月の始まりです。12 時間以内に願い事をして、月の女神に次の月の祝福とエネルギーを吹き込んでくれるように頼むことができます。



